In combat situations you return to the basics of survival: food, staying dry, and so forth. Food is a large aspect of life, especially when you spend days on end eating out of these little green cans with dates on them going back to the Korean War. Also, on extended operations in the field, we were particularly dependent upon helicopter resupply missions that were…
Captain Drez grabs the mic and begins to speak some profound words about some of the history of H 2/5 in the Vietnam War in 1968 during our reunion in Branson 2023. You will want to listen to his short talk about H 2/5 “In the History Books” of the Marine Corps.
I have always loved seeing Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan together in this movie “Sleepless In Seattle” from 1993. It has been one of my favorites. Maybe one of yours too? I have always liked looking at the Seattle skyline from this picture advertising the movie. If you fell in love with this movie, you are going to fall in…
During the Vietnam conflict, there were no individual personal cellular or landline telephones available for soldiers or sailors to use for calling family members back home. To address this, United States MARS (Military Affiliate Radio Service) stations from all branches of the service, Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force, were deployed throughout Vietnam. The MARS system offered soldiers and sailors…
The Hotel 2/5 Academy Awards is a periodic event celebrating reunion awards conferred by the Hotel 2/5 Academy’s Board of Governors. Hum, you might be wondering, who the heck is on this Board of Directors? Well, it’s only me! (Larry Tyler) So let’s get on with it. And now, (big drum roll . . .) the Hotel 2/5 Academy Awards…
News Flash: Hotel 2/5 Vietnam Veterans receive Republic of Vietnam Medal & Certificate at 2022 Dayton Reunion Officers of Hotel 2/5 Reunion, present at the reunion, Capt. Ron Drez, Lt Col Tom Keene, Lt Col Gerald Inman, and Lt Col Bernie Stafford presented a beautiful Recognition of Service Certificate and a Republic of Vietnam Service Medal pin to all those…
Larry Tyler presented the Navy Corpsman Lapel Pin (Gold) and the Navy Corpsman Hat Patch to Doc Joe Sonderman and Dennis Noah at our Branson, MO 2023 reunion. The citation reads as follows: During the Vietnam War 10,000 Navy Hospital Corpsmen served with their Marine brothers. 645 of them were killed in action (KIA), and one-third were wounded in action…
In March 2008, I was invited to attend an Asian Banking Conference in Hanoi. After weeks of soul searching I decided to attend and see what the city looked like. I flew into China and then flew into Hanoi. To begin the journey, I had a huge problem getting onto the plane from China to Hanoi because the travel agent…
You are cordially invited to join us for our annual hotel 2/5 reunion being held in Branson, Missouri this October 19th to 22nd. It promises to be an entertaining, exuberant, and colorful time for all! Branson is a world-class destination with its amazing entertainment and vibrant outdoor scenes, tucked away in the Ozark mountains. Branson is beautiful in the Fall. Our hosts,…
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