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Lois Casey
Another reunion in the books. Thank you, Larry and Stephanie, for a job well-done! We had a great time. It was wonderful as always to see everyone. Thank you to the Warrior Foundation Reunion for their wonderful and generous contributions! We look forward to the next reunion as always.
Sue Noah
Larry, thanks for all your hard work with the reunion and the website. I’m finding it hard though at times to find the list of those people registered. It seems sometimes the link appears in the reunion information and then it doesn’t. Help!
Tony Marengo
Larry, You do a terrific job, the news Hotel 2/5 News Letter is top notch. Thank you for all you do for the association. Tony M.
Larry Tyler
You are welcome, but I’ve got to give credit to our Editor-in-Chief for the newsletter, Dennis Casey, for all his work with the newsletter articles that makes it a great success. I do write and manage all the content on this website except for some of the posts written by various H 2/5 authors.
I, LCpl Larry Tyler served in Hotel Company 2/5 from Jan 19, 1969, to June 30, 1969, as an 0311. After two weeks in country, I volunteered to carry the squad/platoon radio. I walked point for about 10 weeks. After a heat stroke out in the Arizona Territory during a firefight, I was medivaced to the NSA Hospital in DaNang on May 9th, 1969. After recovery and four weeks of light duty in An Hoa, I was transferred to 2/5 H&S located at Phu Loc 6 and became the battalion commander’s radio operator, bodyguard, and jeep driver. Spent 3 months on Hill 65. I left Vietnam on Jan 9, 1969, and landed in San Francisco four days later after being in Okinawa for two days.
I maintain this website. I decided to create this website rather than write a book no one would read. Would be glad to hear from anyone who served in 2/5 during the Vietnam War. My email is: ltyler@hotel25vv.org.