Monthly Archives: May 2023

Hotel 2/5 Academy Awards Ceremony Presentation 2017

The Hotel 2/5 Academy Awards is a periodic event celebrating reunion awards conferred by the Hotel 2/5 Academy’s Board of Governors.  Hum, you might be wondering, who the heck is on this Board of Directors?  Well, it’s only me! (Larry Tyler)  So let’s get on with it. And now, (big drum roll . . .) the Hotel 2/5 Academy Awards…

Hotel 2/5 Takes Hanoi by Doc Dennis Noah

In March 2008, I was invited to attend an Asian Banking Conference in Hanoi. After weeks of soul searching I decided to attend and see what the city looked like. I flew into China and then flew into Hanoi. To begin the journey, I had a huge problem getting onto the plane from China to Hanoi because the travel agent…