Marine Corps Birthday Celebration on Hill 65

On November 10, 1969, 2/5 Marines recognized and acknowledged 194 years of the Marine Corps service to their country, the sacrifices made to defend democracy, and the Marine Corps’ enduring legacy as America’s premier fighting force.

The Marine Corps’ annual tradition celebrates the establishment of the organization on November 10, 1775, by the Second Continental Congress no matter where were are located upon this earth.  Even when we are in a war zone like Vietnam.  The CO, Lt Col James Bowen, requested that all of his battalion troops report to Hill 65 for a day or two of celebration.   His men enjoyed three hot meals, a piece of the USMC Birthday cake with ice cream, and as much beer and soda as they wanted to drink.  He ordered up some music entertainment as well.  Happy Birthday Marines!

Marine Corps 248th Birthday Message (Click Here!)

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